The fiber optic sensors also called optical fiber sensors use optical fiber or sensing element. These sensors are used to sense some quantities like temperature, pressure, vibrations, displacements, rotations, or concentration of chemical species. Fibers have so many uses in the field of remote sensing because they require no electrical power at the remote location and they have tiny sizes.
Fiber optic sensors are supreme for insensitive conditions, including noise, high vibration, extreme heat, wet and unstable environments. These sensors can easily fit in small areas and can be positioned correctly wherever flexible fibers are needed. The wavelength shift can be calculated using a device, optical frequency-domain reflectometry. The time-delay of the fiber optic sensors can be decided using a device such as an optical time-domain Reflectometer.
The benefits of fiber sensing – Next generation of fiber sensing
Where fiber optic technology is concerned, we typically envision data transmission over tremendous lengths with very low optical losses incurred. This allows optical fibers to sense small changes accurately. It is these characteristics that enable the web of connectivity that virtually every human benefits from.
If we view these technologies differently, it turns out that some of the lesser-known, but fundamental characteristics of optical fiber and cable, lend themselves to solving real-world problems.
Imagine being able to monitor the entire length of a water, oil, or gas pipeline to create a temperature profile, ensuring adequate flow.
How about listening to that same pipeline to detect small, manageable leaks at any point along the pipe – before they become catastrophic?
What if we could sense seismic activity over great areas using existing telecommunications cables?
Is it possible to detect foot traffic, vehicle movement, or intrusion activities along a remote perimeter?
Could we reduce the frequency and severity of train derailments by working to detect rail fatigue or break and their causes – preventing, rather than responding to them after-the-fact?
Sensor free solution
Disruptive solution for physical infrastructure
Leverages pre-existing fiber cables, turning assets to value generators
The fiber is the sensor, no need to install any sensors along with physical infrastructure
Ramp-up time for installation and the cost per meter are unparalleled low
100x Greater Sensitivity
In a DFOS system, the back-scattered signal is very low – typically, as low as 1 billionth of the transmitted pulse. This poses a challenge for most fiber-sensing systems on the market. The low signal makes it hard to differentiate between different signals, and the poor Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) severely limits the performance of other, currently available fiber-sensing solutions.
Our smart monitoring overcomes these limitations using our patented Hyper-Scan Fiber-Sensing™ for ultra-sensitive and intelligent-learning detection. The solution identifies the acoustic signature of each event at a resolution that allows classification of events and their locations with unprecedented accuracy – while drastically reducing false-positive & negative alarm rates (FAR) and nuisance alarm rates (NAR).
Prisma Photonics
Prisma-Photonics’ platform is a new approach to Fiberoptic Sensing, enabling ultra-sensitive detection and an intelligentlearning detection unit. It is targeting to revolutionize the FiberopticSensing market by dramatically increasing the detection sensitivity and solving3 major problems: high false alarm rate, poor target classification, and verylimited ability to use already installed optical communication fibers assensors.